Gateway Regional High School Gateway Class of 71 Reunion
The reunion committe had a discussion on "who was the couple on the cover of our 1971 yearbook?  " We figured it out and even had it comfirmed. Do you know who it is?
Wanted! Stories about growing up in Woodbury Heights and the Woodbury Heights Glen Lake

Please send any stories and pictures from your years of growing up in Woodbury Heights and the WH Glen Lake to:

 Mark Trocolli's brother - Charlie Trocolli at:

The members of the WH Lake Association is compiling a book of written and photo memories, and can use your help!

View what's happening at the lake now:

Thank you!!

ann demareo smith
End of the 50's and into the 60's

T-bone Basile, the Sullivans, and other upperclassmen/women held court at the top Right hand corner of the lake (in front of the Kinkle's house-or was it the Master's house?), and with their rambunctious ways, defined their "territory"as the original "greasers"!

Dennis Nate jumping flatfooted from the top of the lake wall down to the sand without breaking his leg!

Holtzheimer (sp?) so caught up with the 'babes on the beach' who flocked around his lifeguard's chair, that he missed rescuing a drowning kid!

Crazy dives off the deep-end diving board.

Swinging hi-i-gh up on the swingset.

That beach was bigger back in the day-and very crowded!

3 to a tube-bouncing up and down on giant floating truck innertubes-a BLAST!

Bating siblings fish-hooks and catching some big-ole cat fish!

Swinging on the tarzan swing over the lake before letting go and flipping into the cool water.

Ice-skating and 'skating the whip' while bon-fires blazed on shore.

Kathy ? breaking her arm to where the bone poked out, after flying off the whip during ice-skating.

The Kinkles letting the Jerico Baptist Church use their electricity to plug in their organ (they transported on a flatbed truck), for the yearly baptisms at the lake, and their choir singing the greatest spirituals as their members (one by one) were "dipped" into the water backward in Baptism by the Pastor.  A wonderful way to welcome in the nice weather and season.

Learning to swim-by passing the high band test when you had to tred water for 3 minutes in the DEEP end by the dam!

Cuttting a fish hook out of your brother's foot when he was fishing.

Building sand castles on the beach, and filling the moats with water.

Diving off the dock, going down the slide on a really hot day by cooling it off first with a bucket of cool lake water.

Opening your eyes underwater so you could see the fish!

Coming out of the water with brown cedar on you and that earthy smell.

Buying candy buttons at Trakimas' store.

No bathrooms-so you might have to head to Joycie Patton's for a toilet break!

Fishing off the dead end and catching a giant SNAPPER turtle!  Trying to get it off the line before you became it's next meal!

Playing freeze tag while riding on somone's shoulders.

Swimming out to the dock near White's house.

Ann D. Smith

Waiting in line to swing on one of two swings at the lake.

Digging in the shallow water for snails.

always checking to make sure the lake tag was still tied to my bathing suit.

I remember diving down under the raft, to bring up the muck at the bottom of the lake.

Joy Mavros(Tunnicliffe)
Growing up in National Park

 The annual Christmas tree burn at the ball fields, Marching in the 4th of July parade in our Little League uniforms, all the way to the Monument.  Racing our bikes home every day for lunch during elementary school.

All the kids are dismissed from school to walk across the street to the municipal building and watch John Glenn launched into space on TV.   The hard summer rains that used to flood the ball fields all the across Hessian Ave. Stopping by the school at the end of August to check the posted class lists onthe doors. Who was your teacher was for the next grade, more importantly who was in your class. 

The building of the strip mall in the middle of town with an ice cream palor, root beer floats for everyone. Stopping at Kelly's newstand to buy junk food on the way home from school. The Firehouse catches fire (geez). Tony's Dept Store, Beach Hill., Sam's Deli., Joe's was on the other end of town

GRHS Bus #6 and 12.. our driver Mrs Nickerson. Freezing our buns off waiting for the evening bus to take us back to GRHS for practice.

small town, nice place to grow up

Tom Spencer
Growing Up in Wenonah
Jack Wiler graduated from Gateway in 1970.  Last year he started a blog that talks about growing up in Wenonah.  Others that grew up in Wenonah might not agree with him word for word, but the general flavor of the experience is very accurate.  Anyone interested should check it out.

He has class photos. Some years his class included students from two grades so some 1969 and 1970 Gateway grads are pictured as they appeared way back when.
Bob Thomas
National Park

I remember the Annual Christmas Tree Burning, The Fourth of July parade

(I was a winner in the baby parade at age 2yrs)  Attending National Park

Elementary where my father was employed as a Custodian for 35yrs.

All the fun teachers and classmates. 

I remember hanging out at Cutler's Grocery Store and the penny candy store around the street. 

Remember having to wait for the take us to Gateway!

I remember the Fire House dances on Friday nights.  I remember the Roller Skating  Parties at the Glendora Roller Rink.    I remember my PJ Parties and hanging with Cheryl Hatchell at her father's Bar. (not drinking) .

I had fun growing up in National Park!  I enjoyed attending Gateway, but it was so big, that I lost touch with my National Park friends, but I did make alot of new ones.

Dot EAsler (Hummel)
The Reunion Committee

To say say we "worked" at planning the reunion wouldn't be accurate. Seeing my classmates from '71, and sharing lots of laughs along the way. From our first meeting in Feb to our last a few days before the event, it was alot of fun.

It was obvious from our reunion that we are a well preserved class of folks. Guess there's something to be said for the effects of good living and Ripple consumption at a an early age.

The reunion committee has one meeting left to wrap things up. Who knows what we'll think of for our next gathering, although I think the idea of the "Sweet Tarts" should be retired :-) (The rest of our class has no idea what they almost witnessed)

Till the next one,


Tom Spencer